Saturday, November 27, 2010

Welcome to the family

My husband I at our dorkiest!

This is O Henry.  He is a love bug but complains frequently, and loudly.  He is also afraid of his own shadow! Visitors to our house rarely meet him, but he sleeps on my feet most nights. 

Newton (or Noootin as my cousin spells it) is my WV kitten.  We adopted him the day after we moved to WV. He is a very curious boy who loves EVERYONE that pets him, but me especially! This is his first move and he is actually enjoying getting into all of the boxes and dresser drawers

Yeah, this is my husband. He'd rather play with his veggies than eat them!

This is A with his baby Kit Kat. Kit was the most amazing cat you'd ever meet, and had a purr for everyone.  He sadly passed away last summer leaving a kit sized hole in our hearts.  

Who are your family members?

1 comment:

  1. I have several "Families"

    my immediate family.
    My expanded family (people I am close to but not actually related)
    Eddie is his own category I suppose.
    My Trinity friends family
    My childhood friend fmimly
    My "work families" Ted's, USAction, Moderate Party....etc


I love comments and promise to read all of them! If you have a problem posting just email me at eileenkward at gmail dot com